Monday, April 26, 2010

Cause of the Revolution

The American colonies enjoyed the protection from the indians paying less, almost free. Colonists profited from the trading. Most important thing is that they cheriched their political right they had as British.

The colonists Political Heritage
British enjoyed the due process of common law (Law Administration of Justice) There was a judge who decided if you were guilty of not of the bad thing you did.

There was something called Freedom of Press wich means you say and write what you wanted.

There were no taxes unless it were imposed by representative.

British government is a model

They had a branch governmentsÑ Executive, Legislative and Parlaments.
Parlaments were like: House of commodors and House of Lords.

House of Lords
It was formed by Aristocrats, a nobility, elite and priviledged upper class. Aristocrats were inherited in the House of Lords, but the House of Commodors depended on the elections, but they were by a very small number of people. Each colony excepted for Pennsylvania had two house legislation. One was an elective assembley and the other one was the council of provinent colonists, apointed by the Governor.

Only Conneticut and Rhode Island elected the governor. In Pennsylvania the whole assembley was elected. People from the parlament could not be elected.

In 1770 Lord North insisted ¨I never acquise (agree) That all men are equal¨.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

American Revolution

There was a Triangular trade between England, America and Africa. There was a big war called French and Indian war in wich 90% of the people in France were poor.

French and English people had a war and George Washington commanded the troops. Europeans called it ¨Seven Year War¨. Europe, Asia and West Indies were involucrated in this war. Indians attcked Pennsylvania and Virginia.

In 1763 there was a treaty called Treaty of Paris that consisted with the war. British was declered triunphant. They kept great lakes and part of Florida.