Thursday, May 13, 2010

Intolerable Act

These were acts that were not tolerable for he colonists, the harder rules to follow.

Quebec Act

Horrified colonists. People from the colonies torture pople that were in favor of intolerable acts.
There was an organization made in Pennsylvania and every colony met there Georgia because it was one of the colonies with more problems in violence and that did not obey orders so they were not in favor of this Acts.

Colonists United Againsts Harsh Measures

The english people sended worskship to Boston. To punish the Boston Parliament they put Coercive Act so theis close Boston ports and there was no trade.

What was the couse of this? This was cause because the colonists were very mad with the British and they were trying to cut the trade between these two countries.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Violence Erupts in Boston

England sended 400 troops to Boston because they needed to control the rights and because there was being to much violence.

There was a Massacre called the Boston Massacre. How did this started? Well, in March 1770 there was a bunch of people protesting. One of them threw snowballs and rocks to the soldiers and the soldiers thought they were being attacked so they fired back and killed 5 colonists. One of the colonists killed was called Crispus Attuck.

Patriots were lead by Samuel Addams. He created a Comettee of Corresponding that was like a mail. Comettees provided leadership.

Leaders Organize a Boycott

San Colonial leaders opposed to the taxes. These was very important because it brought alot of violence into the colonies. Nine colonies sent delegated to the Stamp Act congress.

What was Boycott? This consisted in that you did not buy things coming from England.
They would spun the thread to make colth and make clothes for not buying things from England. So we can see that they really took seriouse these boycott.

Who was Charles Townshed? He was a financial officer to the crown. He thought colonies would accept taxes, but that didnt happened. He invented an act in 1767 called Townshend Act.

Colonists began to protest the taxes were to high. The largest riots happended in Boston.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Colonial Protest

Tax resistance took 3 forms:
Intelectual Protest
Economic Boycotts
Violent Intimidation

There were important elightments idealists known as John Lake and Bason of Montesquiu

Who was Patrick Henry? He was a Virginia representative. He used ideas to draft a radical document known as Virginia resolves.

There was an asociation calles Sons of Liberty that was the patriots form. Hes lidder was Samuel Addams.

The town they had most problem with was Boston because they were very harmful.

New Taxes Upset Colonies

In 1764 the colonial merchants are now rich. There was a new minister called George Grenville wich he proposed on getting money by enforcing the laws. There was a law known as Sugar Act wich lower the price of colasses, molasses come from the sugar cane. He created courts to that can be named as jails too because they consisted on getting the bad guys and putting them inside the courts.

There were creations of new acts like for example:
Stamp act: Required all printed things had to have a stmp. If you disobey you would be punished.

Differences in Colonial Governments

One of the main differences was thet British constitution was not formal. Another good difference was that 2/3 of the man in the Colonies had the right to vote and in England just 1/4 of their men. These are the two main differences in the colonial governements.

Maybe you ask yoursel, for what did they use the taxes. Well in the early 1760 the money for the taxes in the early 1760 were used to pay for the judges and the governor. People from the colonies think think these was not right.

The governor and the people with alot of power thought they had the right to rise the taxes up.

People from the colonist rebel and they saw they had the right to govern themselves, not being governed by others.